Add Comment to Pending Skip Statement in Rspec

How can I add a reason for skipping a test in Rspec? If you using xit or skip when running your specs, you may have noticed the line:

Pending: (Failures listed here are expected and do not affect your suite's status)

  1) ClassName#methodname returns a wonderful data set
     # No reason given
     # ./spec/services/class_name_spec.rb:48

In order to add a comment, you should use the skip syntax:

it "returns a wonderful data set", :skip => "Great reason that I skipped this test" do
    expect(regular_test_suite_run).to eq(data)

Or this

it "returns a wonderful data set" do
    skip "Great reason that I skipped this test"
    expect(regular_test_suite_run).to eq(data)

This will add your reason to the pending spec:

1) ClassName#methodname returns a wonderful data set
   # Great reason that I skipped this test
   # ./spec/services/class_name_spec.rb:48